
✨Take Tiny Action

Your Goals Are Great, but Are Your Habits?

Published 7 months ago • 2 min read

Hey friend!

Your goals reflect your aspirations, but it's your habits that determine your success. It's an idea I've been mulling over, and it rings so true: You are the culmination of your habits, whether they're beneficial, detrimental, or neutral.

Ever wondered about the secrets behind excellent health or consistent achievements? It’s not just about setting lofty goals but diligently following habits that inch us closer to them every day.

While understanding the need to develop strong habits is straightforward, the real challenge surfaces when we consider the multiple habits required to achieve a single goal. It might feel daunting, but here’s a method to simplify it:

  1. Identify Your Cornerstone Habit: What's the one habit that can be a game-changer for your current objectives? For me, it was setting a 5 a.m. wake-up time, ensuring I had undisturbed hours to work and focus. Your cornerstone habit lays the groundwork for other related habits. For instance, early rising also dictates an early bedtime for me.
  2. Begin Small: Introduce changes that seamlessly fit into your life. I started by waking up just 30 minutes earlier, a change so minor it hardly felt inconvenient.
  3. Prioritize Discipline: Consistency in habits isn't about how you feel on a particular day but about unwavering discipline. Emotions are fleeting, but discipline ensures you stick to your goals.
  4. Monitor Your Progress: Using tools or journals, like the Visionary Journal, can assist you in tracking your new habits. Regular monitoring reminds you of your commitments and shows how far you've come.
  5. Celebrate Small Wins: Rewarding yourself for sticking to your habits acts as positive reinforcement. Plan in advance how you'll treat yourself for being consistent.

To sum it up, while our goals set the direction, it's our habits that propel us forward. It’s the consistent, often tiny, actions that carve the path to our dreams. So, focus on building and nurturing habits that align with your aspirations. Here's to making daily choices that lead us to our envisioned success!


Identify one cornerstone habit related to a goal you're passionate about. Commit to practicing it daily for the next seven days, then reward yourself at the end of the week.

Remember: Tiny Actions lead to big results. Hit reply and let me know how it went.

Dream big and act boldly,


Ways to work with me:

Hire me as your accountability coach.

Enroll in my Tiny Action Mastery course.

Or buy my book.

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✨Take Tiny Action

with Monique Malcolm

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